Funny You Mention It, The Curse Of The Spitting Flower"
(37” x 56” x 3.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Funny You Mention It, The Curse Of The Spitting Flower"
37” x 56” x 3.5” ) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

(36” x 22” x 20”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

(36” x 22” x 20”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Broken Star"
(30" x 30" x 5") paper maché and mixed media. 2023.

"Broken Star"
(30" x 30" x 5") paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Guston's Lost Sock"
(17.5 x 2.5” x 12”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Guston's Lost Sock"
(17.5 x 2.5” x 12”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Shadow Vessel"
(21.5” x 18” x 2.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Craigslist Mirror"
(26.5” x 21” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Craigslist Mirror"
(26.5” x 21” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"It Feels Like Upside Down Florida"
(34” x 26” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"It Feels Like Upside Down Florida"
(20” x 21” x 1.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Untitled (thanks for everything Pee Wee)"
(27” x 23” x 5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Untitled (thanks for everything Pee Wee)"
(27” x 23” x 5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Hundred Or So Rabbit Holes"
(32” x 29” x 3.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Hundred Or So Rabbit Holes"
(32” x 29” x 3.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2023

"Tough Shit, Good Luck"
(46” x 40” x 4” ) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Tough Shit, Good Luck"
(46” x 40” x 4” ) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Mirror Mirror"
(20” x 21” x 1.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Mirror Mirror"
(20” x 21” x 1.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Untitled Or What The Literal Fuck Is Going On I Haven't Decided"
(32.5” x 30” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

"Untitled Or What The Literal Fuck Is Going On I Haven't Decided"
(32.5” x 30” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2022

More Power To The Flower
(33” x 30” x 2) paper maché and mixed media. 2022.

More Power To The Flower
(33” x 30” x 2) paper maché and mixed media. 2022.

"Mickey Mouth"
(17.75" x 16 x 1.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Mickey Mouth"
(17.75" x 16 x 1.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Whatchamacallit" (23" x 24" x 2") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Whatchamacallit" (23" x 24" x 2") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Satan?" (22" x 18" x 2") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Open Road" (39" x 24" x 3.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Open Road" (39" x 24" x 3.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Puzzlin" (17" x 7" x 2.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Big Red" (10" x 3.5 x 2") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Doctors Hate Me Because I Know This One Weird Trick" (9" x 8.5" x 1.5") 2021

"Whats This Part About?" (16" x 7" x 2.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Listen, You Smell Something?" (15" x 14" x 1") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"I Appreciate The Classics" (13.5" x 7" x 2") paper maché and mixed media.2021

"Dino DNA" (26.5" x 20" x 2.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Black Easter Eggs" (8" x 8" x 1.25") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"I Dont Eat Out That Much Really." paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Set it and Forget It" (16" x 11.5" x 2") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Blue Border" (14" x 12" x 1.5") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Okay, Why Not" (24.5" x 23.5" x 4") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Okay, Why Not" (24.5" x 23.5" x 4") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"hi" (15" x 12.5" x 2.5) paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Worlds Best Worst Ever" (53" x 24" x 4") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Worlds Best Worst Ever" (54" x 24" x 4") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Just Happy To Be Here" (14.25" x 12" x 12") paper maché and mixed media. 2021

"Trust Me"
(54” x 24” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2020

"Trust Me"
(54" x 24" x 3") paper maché and mixed media. 2020

"I Get Up I Get Down (HA HA, BOO HOO) with corrosive bird shit and a chomp."
Paper maché and mixed media. 25" x 25" x 3". 2020.

"I Get Up I Get Down (HA HA, BOO HOO) with corrosive bird shit and a chomp."
Paper maché and mixed media. 25" x 25" x 3". 2020

"A Few California Natives I'm Fond Of"
(13” x 13” x 3”) watercolor on paper and paper maché. 2020

"100% Totally Definitely Completely Fine, You"
(24” x 36”) ink on marbled paper. 2020

"Sounds Good, Good Sounds"
(44” x 24” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2020

"Sounds Good. Good Sounds"
(44” x 24” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2020

"Okie Dokie, O K"
22.5” x 30”. 2020

"I Forgot What Happened"
(39” x 23” x 5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2020

"I Forgot What Happened"
(39” x 23” x 5”) paper maché on mixed media. 2020

"Too Stressed To Be Blessed, (Beat Up By The Past)"
(22” x 32”) ink on paper. 2019

"It's The End Of A Fucked Up Year And Another One's Comin. (2020 Whoops)"
(40” x 26”) ink on paper. 2019

(26” x 27” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2019

(26” x 27” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2019

"Happy Happy"
(36” x 24” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2019

"Happy Happy"
(36” x 24” x 3”) paper maché and mixed media. 2019

"Dead Rat!"
(50” x 25” x 5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2019

(41” x 22” x 5.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2018

(41” x 22” x 5.5”) paper maché and mixed media. 2018

(72” x 80” x 4”) paper maché, cardboard, paint. 2018

Bottoms Up
(23" x 17" x 10") ceramic bottle, conduit housing, cardboard, paper maché, paint, screenprinting ink. 2017

Bottoms up
(23" x 17" x 10") ceramic bottle, conduit housing, cardboard, paper maché, paint, screenprinting ink. 2017

Frame Game
(22" x 17" x 4.75") closet organizer, paper maché, paint, screenprinting ink, resin. 2017

(23" x 18" x 6") cardboard, paper maché, paint, screenprinting ink, resin. 2017

(23" x 18" x 6") cardboard, paper maché, paint, screenprinting ink, resin. 2017

Mushroom Butterfly (with holes)
(23.5" x 23.5" x 4.5") watercolor on gatorboard. cardboard and paper maché, screenprinting ink. 2017

Mushroom Butterfly (with holes)
(23.5" x 23.5" x 4.5") watercolor on gatorboard. cardboard and paper maché, screenprinting ink. 2017

(23.5" x 18" x 16") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard and tree stump, casters. 2017

(23.5" x 18" x 16") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard and tree stump, casters. 2017

(22" x 17" x 4") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

Makin' Bacon (23" x 19" x 5") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

Glue Strips (17" x 12" x 2") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

"The Stack"
(11" x 13" x 3") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

Living Blood With Box
(22" x 20" x 2") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

(27" x 11" x 2") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2017

Donald Trump
(10.5" x 8" x 3") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Bah Nah Nana
(29" x 27" x 2") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Red Eye
(24" x 26" x 3") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Pink Board
(17" x 10" x 1") acyrlic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Puppet With Bat
18" x 18.5" x 4") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

On The Fence
(51" x 40" x 32") fake birds, acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

On The Fence
(51" x 40" x 32") fake birds, acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

(24" x 28" x 4") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Ancient Raspberry
(21" x 18" x 2.5") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

(11" x 13" x 2") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

Home Made
(13" x 13" x 2.5") watercolor on paper & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

(30" x 22" x 1") paper maché on cardboard, bungee cord. 2016

Banana Peel
(9" x 10" x 2") collage & paper maché on cardboard. 2016

(19" x 18" x 4") paper maché & mixed media on paper and cardboard. 2016

Ant Frame
(39" x 39" x 2.5") acrylic & paper maché on cardboard. 2015

Serious Biz
(36" x 36") mixed media paper. 2015

I Thought You Knew Where We Were Going
(36" x 36") ink on cut paper. 2015

Weird Videos....And A Big Bunch Of Posters
(diptych 36" x 72") mixed media on cut paper. 2015

Who's In Charge
(36" x 36") ink on cut paper. 2015

(19" x 24") mixed media on cut paper. 2014

(56" x 51") mixed media on paper. 2014

(51" x 51") mixed media on paper. 2014

(12" x 9") mixed media collage. 2014

(12" x 9") mixed media collage. 2014

Witches Hat
(12" x 9") mixed media collage. 2014

(19" x 24") mixed media collage on paper. 2014

Death Wears a Silly Hat
(40" x 26") mixed media on cut paper. 2013

Alf in Hell
(30" x 22.5") ink on paper. 2013

At the End of the Day
(51" x 51") ink and acrylic on cut paper. 2013

(51" x 35") ink and listerine on paper. 2013

This is Where I Fucked Up
(51" x 51") ink on paper. 2013

Hang in There
(30" x 22.5") ink on paper. 2013

And Ever...
(51" x 51") ink and acrylic on cut paper. 2013

(44" x 51") mixed media on cut paper. 2013

(72"x72") ink on paper. 2013

Wall (detail)
(72"x72") ink on paper. 2013

(72"x72") ink on paper. 2013

Sunset (detail)
Sunset (72"x72") ink on paper. 2013

Negative Big Wheel
(72" x 72") ink on paper, 2012.

Big Wheel
(72" x 72") ink on paper, 2012.

Big Wheel (detail)
Big Wheel

Big Wheel (detail)

Big Wheel (detail)

They Never Die They Just Go To Sleep One Day
(diptych) (40" x 50") ink on paper, 2012.

Laocoon And Me
(diptych) (40" x 50") ink on paper, 2012.

Looking In Looking Out
(diptych) (40" x 50") ink on paper, 2012.

(diptych) (40" x 50") ink on paper, 2012.

Big Eye On Big Apple
(diptych) (40" x 50") ink on paper, 2012.

They Never Die They Just Go To Sleep One Day
Exhibition photo, Mass Gallery. Austin, Texas. 2013

They Never Die They Just Go To Sleep One Day
Exhibition photo,Mass Gallery. Austin, Texas. 2013

They Never Die They Just Go To Sleep One Day
Exhibition photo, Mass Gallery. Austin, Texas. 2013

Forever Mtn.
cardboard, wood, paint. 2013

Forever Mtn. (detail)
cardboard, wood, paint. 2013

Time Machine
(12” x 24” x 72”) MDF, Plexiglass, LED's, Motor. 2012

Time Machine
(12” x 24” x 72”) MDF, Plexiglass, LED's, Motor. 2012

Time Machine (detail)
(12” x 24” x 72”) MDF, Plexiglass, LED's, Motor. 2012

Goliath Shrunkenhead
(40" x 26") ink on paper, 2011.

We Dont Even Care Whether Or Not We Care
(40" x 26") ink on paper, 2011.

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

The Man Reappropriation Project
(dimensions variable) cardboard, paint, hidden speakers. 2010

(12" x 36" x 24") cardboard, screenprints, cut paper, cutting mat, wood, strobe light. 2009

Diagonal Doors
(51.5" x 60") screenprint on paper. 2009

Melting Hair Round Columns
(50" x 51.5") screenprint on paper. 2009

(68" x 68") screenprint on plywood. 2009

Body In Ravine
(42" x 24" x 26") wood and mixed media. 2009

(51" x 60") screenprint on paper. 2009